Top copywriters

The marketing world and copywriting go hand in hand, so copywriting is an absolute necesity for every business. It is essential to know that the process of copywriting is really complex and it’s made by professional writers called copywriters. Their job is extremely important and throughout the time, some of them have stood out with their principles, their uniqness, skills and results that they’ve achieved. In this article we will talk about who are they and the way that they managed to achieve the goal of being the best of the bests!

What is copywriting and how does it work?

Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive text, in ordfer to determine the reader to perform an action. That process is called „ call to action ”, and it means that after reading the article, the reader must be determined and he must desire to buy the products / services presented.

There are some important methods and formulas used by professional copywriters, but we will talk about them in a bit. Another important aspect of copywriting is that in must not be noticeable for the reader. The whole text must be subtle or it must contain reversed psychology in order to pursue the reader without noticing.

Copywriting is present everywhere among us, but done the right way, we might not even notice it. Copywriting is present in:

  • newsletters
  • blog articles
  • magazines
  • TV
  • radio
  • advertising emails
  • social media

Copywriter vs. content writer

An easy definition that can help you understand better the difference between the two of them is that:

  • a copywriter wants to persuate you into buying something, so he wants to „ sell ” you a product or a service.
  • a content writer only wants to inform you; the texts written by a content writer are purely informative.

Because the job of them is so different, neither of them will be able to do the job of the others properly. The final goal of their articles is completely different, so if you want to simply inform and educate people about a service that you provide, choose a content writer. But if you want not only to inform, but to promote and grow the sellings of your services / products, choose a copywriter.

COPYWRITER                            VS                     CONTENT WRITER
·      sells·      informs
·      uses persuasive language·      uses informative language
·      has the goal of advertising·      has the goal of entertaining
·      is a good short term solution to increase sales·      is a good long term solution
·      uses reverse psychology·      doesn’t use any persuasive methods
·      has a call to action·      doesn’t have a call to action

Everything has a beginning…even copywriting agencies

When we are talking about what copywriting means today, how it developed over time and how it is different today, we must not forget the beginning of everything. There are some very important copywriters who founded big agencies wich influenced the whole world of marketing and copywriting. In the following we will present you some of the founders of copywriting, the place where they carried out their activity and the agencies that they have founded.


·      David AbottUnited KingdomAbott Mead Vickers BBDO
·      William BernbachUnited States of AmericaDDB Worldwide
·      Marcel Bleustein BlanchetFrancePublicis
·      Leo BurnettUnited States of AmericaLeo Burnett Worldwide
·      Jay ChiatUnited States of AmericaChiat / Day
·      Fairfax Mastick ConeUnited States of AmericaFoote Cone & Belding
·      Harry McCannUnited States of AmericaMcCann Erickson ( co-founder)
·      David OglivyUnited KingdomOglivy & Mather ( co-founder )
·      Alex OsbornUnited States of AmericaBBDO ( co-founder )
·      Raymond RubicamUnited States of AmericaYoung & Rubicam ( co-founder )
·      Charles SaatchiUnited KingdomSaatchi & Saatchi ( co-founder )
·      Dan WiedenUnited States of AmericaWieden + Kennedy
·      Brian ClarkUnited States of AmericaCopyblogger Media LLC



The „father” of copywriting

John Emory Poweres is considered to be the father of copywriting or an importsnt pillar in everything that copywriting means. He was born in 1837 on a farm in Central New York and later he moved to England where he started discovering the world of marketing. He introduced many new marketing techniques that are used and known even nowadays.

In 1870 he started his carreer by writing ads for a company in USA named Lord & Taylor. Later he had great success and in 1886 he started working as a freelancer copywriter. His ideas and principles had a great influence over the next generations of copywriters. He is considered to be the first full time copywriter in the world.

Some of his writing principles were:

  • he did not use any graphic designs or illustrations
  • his articles where written in a collumn
  • he used simple expressions and words
  • short titles
  • short and clear sentences, with a sharp and simple expression style.

As they say, sometimes less is more, and John remained true to this principle. Even though he was criticized, he never gave up on doing what he believed in. Remaining true to himself and his own ideas left a mark on the history of copywriting, inspiring many others to follow his pathway to succes.

Today’s best copywriters from UK

§  Alan BlackGlasgow
§  Larner CalebLeeds
§  Nick CarterBirmingham
§  Martin CrossGlasgow
§  Laura GloverLondon
§  Leif KendallBrighton and London
§  Pete MatthewsLondon
§  Chris MillerThe North
§  Paul ReadmanDunbar
§  Rae StonesLondon
§  Dean TurneyLondon
§  Joanne WilsonLincoln
§  David AireyNorthern Ireland
§  Joe BendingtonNorwich
§  David BonasLondon
§  Polly KayBirmingham
§  Oli Sharman
§  Andrew BaskottNorthampton
§  Alice RowanCheltenham, Gloucestershire
§  Jamie Neal                 London
§  Helen KennardBerkshire
§  David RyanHartlepool
§  Sandy Levi
§  Rob BeadleLeeds
§  Laura BarrittLeeds, North Yorkshire
§  Mike ClarkeBristol
§  Tracy McIntoshLeeds
§  Emma Pybus
§  Bonnie HarringtonBristol
§  Lucette FunnellIpswich


The best copywriters of all times

The following copywriters are really the best of the bests. Each one of them changhed something in the vision of copywriting or is known for a certain thing. So, let’s find out more about each one of them.

·      David Ogilvy
·      Joe Coleman
·      Gary Halbert
·      Joseph Sugarman
·      Brian Clark
·      Demian Farnworth
·      Robert Collier
·      Robert Bly
·      Lorrie Morgan
·      James Woodburn
·      Scott Bardelli
·      Gary Bencivega
·      John Forde
·      Laurence Blume
·      Gary Halbert
·      Drayton Bird
·      Leo Burnett
·      Jay Abraham
·      Claude Hopkins
·      Joanna Wiebe
·      Stan Freberg
·      Clayton Makepeace


David Ogilvy – the father of advertising

David Ogilvy was a well known businessman, born in 1911 in England. In 1929 he started studying at Oxford, but he wasn’t able to finish his studies because he didn’t had any scholarships and his parents couldn’t support him financially. His father was also a businessman, but his business was hit by the depression in 1920.

Because he couldn’t finish his studies, he moved to Paris, where he started working as an apprentice chef. Later, he moved to Scotland and started selling cooking stoves in the neighbourhood, from door to door. He had succes in making people buy the stoves, so his employer asked him to write the instruction manual for the cooking stoves.  Until today, is considered that his instrucction manual was „ the finest sales instruction manual ” written in the history.

That was the moment when he realised that he was made for the business and marketing world. Throught the next years he worked hard to raise money in order to be able to open his agency called Oglivy & Mather. His agency remained in the history as the most succesful advertising agency of all times. Some of his most important advertising that he made was for:

  • Good Luck Margarine ( with Eleanor Roosevelt )
  • Hathaway shirts
  • Schweppes
  • Mercedes
  • Rolls Royce
  • Dove soap

One of his most famous quotes is “The customer is not a moron, she’s your wife. ”. He always thought that the most important thing in advertising is the information that you give. The potential customers need to know all the important aspects and every detail of a product in order to buy it. Another principle that he had is that the customers should be treated as your equal. He always sustained the idea that the customers are intelligent and that as a copywriter or advertiser, you should not try to fool them into buying a product, but to inform them about all the benefits of the product and to educate them about it. Eventually, the potential customer would be interested in the product and buy it because of the presented information.

AIDA – the copywriters’ most important formula

Throughout the years, the copywriting evolved and changed, but the main principle remained the same. We are talking about that “ call to action ” that had as a final goal a potential customer that would become a buying customer. Given this aspect, more and more formulas related to copywriting were created. One of the most known formula is “ AIDA ”.

  • A – attention
  • I – interest
  • D – desire
  • A – action.

This formula would follow all the steps that a potential client makes in order to become a real client. First of all, there needs to be a catchy image or title to grab the attention. The second step is to make the potential customer interested in the product. The third step is one of the most important steps and it is the moment where all the benefits of a product / service are exposed. That way the reader will desire to have that product or to benefit of the presented services. The fourth step is the one where the reader takes action and becomes a customer.

Other important formulas used by copywriters

There are many formulas used by copywriters. There isn’t a rule of what to use. Every copywriter uses what suits them and the business the best and what helps them write articles that will attract potential customers. Some popular formulas used even by the biggest copywriters are:

·      The 4 P’s stand for “ picture promise prove push ”

·      It has 4 main steps, and each one of them stands for one P

·      “ Promise ” – it is the step where the copywriter must get the attention of the client; it is generally an attractive title or heading.

·      “ Picture ” – is when the client already pictures himself as in the use of your service or product.

·      “ Prove ” – is the step where the copywriter must prove the effectiveness of the product or services, by using statistics and facts.

·      “ Push ” – as the name says, the copywriter must push the potential customer into buying the product / service, so that the becomes a customer.

·      Stands for “ before – after – bridge ”

·      First, the copywriter will make the potential customer realize that he might have a problem that needs a fix. This is the “ before ” step.

·      Second, the copywriter will present a future situation of the potential customer, in the use of the services, and how his life improved. This is the “ after ” step.

·      Lastly, the bridge is the solution to fix the problem and improve the quality of life. This is when the copywriter will present the services as the perfect solution, along with facts, benefits, statistics and other persuasive information.


The most important types of copywriting

As mentioned before, copywriting is a very important tool in anyone’s business. Copywriting services will help you to be present everywhere. It is essential to be present on many platforms and places, in order to reach out to many people. If you are present in many places, you will be able to attract people of different ages and from different places to check out your business. That being said, these are the most important types of copywriting:

  1. SEO copywriting

This one is probably one of the most used and also most important type of copywriting. The main goal of this copywriting is to rank you as high as possible in SERP. SERP is the abbreviation of „ Search Engine Results Page ” and it reffers to the results that appear after you search an expression on any search engine. With the help of keyphrases or keywords you will definitely rank higher and this way you will be more visible to potential customers.

  1. B2B copywriting

B2B is the abbreviation that stands for „ Business to Business ” type of copywriting and it is used for businesses that sell products or services for other businesses.

  1. B2C copywriting

B2C type of copywriting is one of the most encountered types of copywriting and it stands fot „ Business to Customer ”. Simply put, it is the type of copywriting directly used of businesses to attract customers.

  1. Social Media copywriting

This one has developed a lot over the last few years. People use the Social Media platforms more and more everyday. Promoting on Social Media can attract a lot of potential customers because:

  • the language that is used in not formal
  • copywriters can use attracting pictures
  • hashtags and catchy expressions are used
  • the message is transmitted in a funnier or easier to assimilate way
  • it is a very effective way to get known by many people.
  1. Marketing copywriting

Is another type of copywriting used almost all the time. It is so used that many times you won’t even notice it. This type of copywriting includes all the messages transmitted through radio, YouTube ads, mails, TV ads, etc. .

  1. Brand copywriting

Reffers to the copywriting that helps people’s brain associate the image of a brand with a specific logo.

  1. Public Relations copywriting

This one aims the reputation of your business. It is important to have a good reputation in order to attract more customers, so this type of copywriting will definitely help you modelate your businesses image.

In this case, copywriters will write texts that will be distributed by journalists and reporters on many media channels.

  1. Technical copywriting

Technical copywriting is a very smart type of copywriting. This one explains the technology behid the product or the services, and this way people will be attracted by the „ technology ” of it and the way that the product will improve their life.


So, when we are talking about copywriting, the first and most important thing that needs to be done is to find out who are you trying to attract. For example, if you are looking for younger customers, Social Media copywriting is the way to go.


Copywriting awards and events around the world

As you probably already know, copywriters are the pillars of marketing. Without the help of the copywriters, marketing would be much slower. They help with the development of many businesses, so they definitely deserve some special events or awards. There are many events around the world dedicated to copywriters, but we will talk only about the most important ones.

In the following, we will mention the best events and conferences for copywriters that had been held or will be in the close future:

Ø  The CopyConBrighton
Ø  The Copywriter ClubThe Virgin Hotel in Nashville, TN
Ø  B2B Marketing ExpoExCeL, London
Ø  Digital City ExpoManchester Central Convention Complex
Ø  Creative NorthRoyal Exchange Theatre, Manchester
Ø  Festival of MarketingTobacco Dock, London
Ø  Leeds Digital FestivalLeeds City Centre
Ø  D & AD FestivalTower Bridge Court, London
Ø  Content breakfast by Content Marketing AssociationHavas Office, Pancras Square, London
Ø  DMA Creative ClubTower Bridge Court, Central Manchester
Ø  Content London UK Meet-upTower Bridge Court, London
Ø  Manchester Entrepreneurs ClubR&V ( Robert and Victor ), Manchester


Some of the awards that can be won by being a professional copywriter are:

  • ADDY awards – from The American Advertising Awards competition
  • AMBIT awards – in Kansas
  • The Fountain awards
  • ICE awards
  • Metropolitan Awards for Marketing Excellence.

Be heard with the help of a copywriter!

If you want to become the best, you must work with the best. Businesses need to choose a suitable and dedicated copywriter that will understand their needs. A good copywriter can make a business revive and outrank all of the competitors from a certain domain.

A professional copywriter will analyze the competition of a business and will use the best strategies in order to to bring the business afloat. If you have a business, then you should take care about it the same way that you take care about yourself. Choose the best for your business, never neglect it and always keep an eye out for the competitors.




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